Even though I'm far away from a professional surfer but I would say I was born with an imense amount of water in my vains. I fell in love with what the ocean has been teaching me since over 33 years, I'm integrating it in my daily work with my clients and myself.
The tools, knowledge and wisdom I gained from it are not only based on mental and soul-driven improvements, they also lead me to understand how mental and financial freedom can be created.
Turning a life - in a 'traditional' sense - upside down, 'destroy' it in endless puzzle pieces in order to create the most beautiful picture out of them again - calls a fulfilling life means also becoming someone who knows how to build a business out of authentic gifts, strengthening a leader mindset, combine tools and software systems to work effenciently, use social media marketing without being overwhelmed and thrive for journey and not for the goal itself.